Agnico Eagle commissions study that finds mining road has virtually no impact on migrating caribou
A scientific analysis commissioned by Agnico Eagle that found the mining road near Meliadine Mine in the Kivalliq region is having virtually no impact on migrating caribou is being roundly criticized by Nunavut agencies.
“It became pretty clear that they’re not analyzing data correctly,” Clayton Tartak, research coordinator with the Kivalliq Wildlife Board, told CBC News.
Community organizations and members near the mine participated in a roundtable discussion held by the Nunavut Impact Review Board last month.
The focus of the meeting was Agnico’s proposal to bury pipelines in order to dramatically increase the amount of saline water discharged from the mine into Melvin Bay.
“Community members noticed that there were changes not only in the migration route of caribou, but the volume of the migration in certain areas,” because of the mining road, Tartak said.
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