Jason Rasevych is encouraged by some news announced this past week in the Thunder Bay Community Economic Development Commission (CEDC) Mining Readiness Strategy.
The report says a total of 15 mines could go into development in northwestern Ontario during the next decade. These mines would undoubtedly give an economic boost to northern communities and could provide as many as 7,000 new jobs.
But Rasevych, the president of the Anishnawbe Business Professional Association (ABPA), has raised several concerns with some items in the report.
“We prefer a greater emphasis on increasing First Nations’ participation and consent throughout all stages of the mining life cycle from early exploration to mine closure,” Rasevych said in a statement.
“There is also a greater need for mining companies to work with First Nations far before the exploration stages to ensure that future mining projects align with First Nations’ long-term community driven plans.”
For the rest of this article: https://ca.news.yahoo.com/consultations-first-nations-lacking-mines-230021362.html