This is the worst Canadian government ever. Can there be any question? – by Rex Murphy (National Post – February 6, 2021)

The country is in an economic coma. The House of Commons is a movie set. We are shamed in the international community. And the list goes on

It’s a mess. It’s a shambles. It’s an embarrassment. It is the worst ever by any reasonable measurement.

Judging by their performance on the most important files, the current bunch in Ottawa would need to hire a consultant to figure out how to get wet in a thunderstorm, and set up a task force to study how to tie their own shoes.

Look around you. Canada is in the biggest, most persistent and threatening crisis since — well since ever. The long-term care homes are under a blizzard of mortality. There is heartbreak in every small business in the country.

The worry and anxiety level of most everyday citizens — especially those not shielded by uninterrupted cheques from provincial and federal governments, and those not serving as a member of a legislature — is at an all-time high.

This rich, sophisticated, technologically advanced and altruistic country of ours is the only G7 nation raiding vaccine supplies intended for “developing countries.”

For the rest of this column: