Canada absolutely has to retaliate for the outrageous and cavalier cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline. The millions of Canadians who celebrated former U.S. president Donald Trump’s departure from the White House may start to wonder if the new era is quite as paradisiacal as they had expected.
President Joe Biden promised to ”rebuild our alliances,” yet with no notice given to America’s closest, oldest and least abrasive ally, with whose leader he is personally friendly, he revoked the existing arrangements and withdrew the permit to construct the pipeline, throwing 11,000 of his countrymen, and possibly as many as 40,000 Canadians, out of work.
Other executive orders that Biden issued in his first week in office reaffirmed his desire for a $15 minimum wage and additional immigration of unskilled foreigners at a time when the United States is still attempting to reduce COVID-related unemployment.
The Keystone decision was connected to the usual proclamation of incoming latter-day Democrats to generate vertiginous numbers of high-paying, unionized green jobs, manufacturing solar panels at uncompetitive prices after retraining disemployed energy workers.
It all has the air of a hasty and ill-considered shotgun response to the various members of the ramshackle Democratic coalition that includes organized labour, ethnic minorities, the altruistically prosperous, radical ecological advocates, the media and the academy.
For the rest of this column: