BC resource ministers concede permitting in BC takes too long
So, you want to spend hundreds of millions of dollars – possibly billions — building a new copper mine in B.C.
First, you may have to spend a few million dollars explaining your plan to relevant First Nations and local communities before you even submit an application for an environmental permit.
That way you’ll know up front whether the province will even accept your application to the Environmental Assessment Agency. Your project may be dead before it is even subjected to an environmental review.
Be sure to read UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People) and DRIPA (Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act).
Once you’ve done that, and submitted your application, you will, at some point, probably need to deal with the ministries of ECCS, EMLCI, IRR, and FLNRORD.
For the rest of this article: https://biv.com/article/2021/01/want-build-mine-hurry-and-wait