Cobalt explorer primed for action in 2021: Fuse Cobalt expects to follow up on “spectacular” drill results from 2018 – by Staff (Northern Ontario Business – January 8, 2021)

An anticipated surge of interest in electric vehicles and the revival of a cobalt refinery has lit a fire under Vancouver’s Fuse Cobalt to get back into the field in northeastern Ontario.

The rebranded junior miner is preparing for an active year on its exploration properties, northeast of the town of Cobalt.

The company, formerly known as LiCo Energy Metals, changed its name last year and took complete ownership of two properties after negotiating the termination of an option agreement with Surge Exploration.

Fuse has two projects –Glencore Bucke and Teledyne – which went under the drill in 2017 and 2018 to generate results that company president Robert Setter called “spectacular.”

“The company’s exploration team is in the process of reviewing our past exploration work, to provide a realistic exploration plan for 2021,” said Setter said in a Jan. 11 statement to shareholders.

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