KL Gold sets sights on Timmins for regional office – by Andrew Autio (Timmins Daily Press – December 1, 2020)


Kirkland Lake Gold views Timmins as an integral part of the company’s future according to its president and chief executive officer Tony Makuch.

Makuch, a native of Timmins, has more than 30 years of experience as a mining engineer. He joined KL Gold in July 2016. Before that, he was the CEO of Lake Shore Gold from 2008 until 2016, when it was acquired by Tahoe Resources.

This past week, he was the guest speaker for the latest edition of The State of Mining — a series of discussions hosted by the Timmins Chamber of Commerce over the video conferencing platform Zoom.

Makuch covered many topics throughout his presentation. He said the company is “industry leading” in terms of financial strength.

“We are the only gold company with no debt whatsoever on the balance sheet. Very clean company. Three very strong, profitable mines that we’re investing strongly in.”

For the rest of this article: https://www.timminspress.com/news/local-news/kl-gold-sets-sights-on-timmins-for-regional-office