Global mine reclamation expert to be given honorary doctorate by Laurentian University – by Staff (Northern Ontario Business – October 28, 2020)

Ecological engineer Margarete Kalin-Seidenfaden worked in Northern Ontario mine tailings projects

A pioneer in applying the principles of ecological engineering to tackle contaminated mine waste sites will be recognized by Laurentian University at its fall convocation ceremony.

Margarete Kalin-Seidenfaden will be presented with an honorary doctor of science on Oct.31.

Her career as an environmental consultant includes co-founding Boojum Research in 1982, a Toronto R & D firm specializing in ecologically-based treatment systems.

She has worked with mining companies, government and research organizations in promoting an alternative means of cleaning up the environment.

In promoting microbial acitivity, she advised mine operators to use native plants in tailings areas as a means to control dust, prevent erosion and exclude oxygen and moisture from the tailings, thereby limiting acid mine drainage.

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