Senec launches in Australia, aims to build an energy community
In less than a year from today, Australia will be producing its own renewable-energy-storing lithium-ion batteries in the Hunter Region.
Tomago, on the outskirts of burgeoning Newcastle and its world-class port, with its access to the skilled labour of the coal fields, the doctorates of Newcastle University, CSIRO’s Energy Centre research hub and supply chains of mineral wealth throughout Australia, has won the distinction and job opportunities inherent in becoming home to Energy Renaissance, Australia’s first advanced-manufacturing, lithium-ion battery facility.
Dubbed Renaissance One, the facility will be the flagship of ER, which intends to ramp up production to 5.3 GWh per annum of safe, affordable, hot-climate-optimised batteries for Australia and South East Asian markets in coming years.
“The Hunter region has all the right skills, natural resources, expertise and an abundance of solar energy for us to develop a successful battery manufacturing business,” said Mark Chilcote, Energy Renaissance (ER) Managing Director — one of the company’s highly experienced business executives with a long-held dream to commercialise Australia’s innovations onshore.
The site of the $28 million Renaissance One facility has been announced, after five years of developing a product that Chilcote and his colleagues envisage will contribute to reductions in global warming and help set the Australian economy on the path to clean-tech manufacture.
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