Tesla Inc. will meet with a network of Russian Indigenous activists campaigning for the electric vehicle company to boycott nickel supplied by PJSC Norilsk Nickel Co., the world’s largest producer of high-grade nickel, according to one of the activists involved with the campaign.
Pavel Sulyandziga, president of Indigenous rights group Batani Foundation, told S&P Global Market Intelligence through an interpreter that advocates with the boycott campaign are scheduled to speak with Tesla representatives involved with corporate social responsibility on Oct. 7.
Sulyandziga said the group plans to reiterate a request made in an open letter released in early August that Tesla not engage with Norilsk Nickel, also known as NorNickel, which is facing billions in damages over major oil spills in the Arctic.
“[Our] message to Tesla is quite simple: We want companies that are participating in the green economy, and that are concerned with greenhouse gas emissions, to do their environmentally friendly work at home, but they also have to think about any possible harm that they are thinking about for their industrial needs. The level of impact abroad,” the activist said.
For the rest of this article: https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/tesla-to-meet-with-indigenous-activists-as-it-plots-future-supply-chain-60529019