A Northern Ontario mining company has stepped up with a new process to fight the pandemic. New Gold Inc. mine employees near Rainy River are being tested for COVID-19 and are getting their results within a couple of hours of their test thanks to the use of a Precision Biomonitoring testing system.
Details of the system were outlined Thursday during a webinar hosted by the Sudbury branch of CIM (Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum). For New Gold, a company with a remote open pit mining operation north of Rainy River.
It has meant the company can continue working with confidence that their employees and contractors are working in a safe COVID-free environment.
A person with a runny nose or a headache can immediately be tested and isolated without shutting down operations or forcing the isolation of several other workers.
Like many mining operations, New Gold shut down the mine back in mid-March amid concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that many employees had enjoyed out-of-country travel and needed to quarantine.
For the rest of this article: https://www.sudbury.com/around-the-north/northern-ont-mining-company-uses-new-device-to-keep-covid-19-off-the-mine-property-2726393