Diamond was unearthed at Victor Mine in Northern Ontario in 2018
A rare 102-carat diamond found in Northern Ontario two years ago could be among the most expensive of its kind in an auction that starts online and is set to culminate in person in Hong Kong in early October.
Mined at DeBeers’ now-closed Victor Mine in 2018, the diamond, about the size of a small egg, was cut from a larger 271-carat rough diamond, and then cut and polished for more than a year.
Those in the industry say the stone has a lot of features going for it. The diamond is known as a Type II diamond, which are among the most chemically pure among naturally occurring diamonds.
Only about one per cent of all diamonds end up being Type II, Toronto-based high-end jewelry designer Reena Ahluwalia says.
It’s also rated D colour and considered flawless, a characterization that British auction house Sotheby’s says is bestowed on only 0.5 per cent of all mined diamonds.
For the rest of this article: https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/diamond-auction-1.5723379