The only settled and unchanging characteristic of the global warmist brigade is their overt, continuous and super-hyped hostility toward the oil and gas industry. And in no country is that hostility more manifest than in Canada.
Global Warming Inc., and all its fronts and allies, have made protesting against Canadian oil and gas its full-time occupation. They protest, blockade, clog the courts, propagandize and fundraise against Alberta oil and gas, in particular, and have done so now for three decades.
They have effectively choked the industry’s growth and have hindered the export of our great resource by halting the construction of pipelines that are needed to bring the product to markets outside Canada and the United States.
Nearly four years ago, the same global warmists received a great gift: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who was then attended by his first and most significant aide and mentor, Gerald Butts, a staunch opponent of the oil and gas industry.
A great part of the gift was the prime minister’s public embrace of what its advocates call “the fight against global warming.”
For the rest of this column: