On August 6, the Global Tailings Review (GTR) launched its long-awaited Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management, created due to the tragic tailings dam failure at Vale’s Brazilian Córrego do Feijão iron mine in January 2019.
The GTR was originally co-convened in March of the same year and consists of three organizations – the United Nations Environment Programme, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) – which combined will pressure governments, investors and mining companies to adopt the standard for themselves.
The standard also incorporated feedback from 340 extractive companies operating around the world through disclosures of their tailing facilities and methods.
“The catastrophic dam collapse at Vale’s Córrego do Feijão mine in Brumadinho was a human and environmental tragedy that demanded decisive and appropriate action to enhance the safety and strengthen the governance of tailings facilities across the globe,” GTR chair Dr. Bruno Oberle said.
“I am particularly pleased to deliver a document which reflects and addresses the complexity and multi-disciplinary nature of sound tailings management.”
For the rest of this article: https://magazine.cim.org/en/news/2020/global-tailings-review-launches-new-tailings-management-standard-en/