History preserved: Iron Ore Heritage Recreation Authority turns restored structure over to city – by Jackie Jahfetson (The Mining Journal – July 1, 2020)


MARQUETTE — Driving west into Marquette along U.S. 41, passers-by come across a stone structure that resembles an igloo on the Iron Ore Heritage Trail.

Were those curious aware at one time the kiln was used to burn wood into charcoal which fed blast furnaces that converted iron ore and limestone into pig iron during the late 19th century?

After the last of the 43 Carp River kilns collapsed in a heavy wet spring snowstorm in 2016, the historical sandstone structure has been resurrected and was officially turned over to the city of Marquette Monday during a ceremony.

Officials from city Manager Mike Angeli to Mayor Jenna Smith were among the crowd that gathered to see the newly completed kiln that the Iron Ore Heritage Recreation Authority has been working on for the past two years.

“So many people have come by here and talked about their grandfather or great-grandfather (who) worked at the kilns or worked at the mines,” IOHRA administrator Carol Fulsher said. “We(‘ve) hear(d) so much about (how) they wanted to see that kiln restored when it fell in 2016, so I think it means a lot to the community that knows the history of our mining and so many people used to see it on their way in and out of Marquette.

For the rest of this article: https://www.miningjournal.net/news/front-page-news/2020/07/history-preserved-2/