For companies without the size and heft of the big producers De Beers and Alrosa, the diamond space has always been a challenging one – even before the coronavirus pandemic. But with long-term fundamentals that point to a bright future for diamonds, some juniors are finding ways to advance their projects, despite the tough times.
Here’s a look at several active Canadian-based diamond explorers (and one miner), with a focus on the prospective and friendly jurisdictions of Canada and Botswana.
Adia Resources – Adia Resources is a private company held 54% by royalty company and prospect generator Altius Minerals (TSX: ALS; US-OTC: ATUSF). The company is advancing the 1,640-sq.-km Lynx project, near Oxford House, Man., where it has recovered microdiamonds not from kimberlite, but from Archean age volcaniclastic rocks.
Last year, the company completed an initial three-hole, 1,258-metre drill program at the Eastern Bay target at Lynx, will all three holes returning significant numbers of microdiamonds.
From a total sample weight of 1,737 kg, 17,880 microdiamonds were recovered, with a total weight of 1 carat. That includes 12 stones that were between 0.6 millimeter and 0.85 millimeter.
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