Sixteen organizations across the European Union have joined forces in Dig_IT, a consortium that is going to administer €7-million destined for a project titled A Human-centred Internet of Things Platform for the Sustainable Digital Mine of the Future.
The goal of the project is to digitize processes and operations at different mine sites in the continent, namely La Parrilla tungsten open-pit mine in Spain; the Marini Marmi underground marble mine in Italy; the Titania ilmenite open-pit mine in Norway; the Sotkamo underground silver mine in Finland; and the Hannukainen open-pit iron ore, copper and gold mine in Finland, which is in the process of being reopened.
Under the management of the Aragón Technological Institute, the project’s objectives are to be achieved by developing an internet-of-things industrial platform or IIoT that integrates and analyzes data from workers, machinery, surrounding environment and markets.
“At a human scale, the platform will gather workers’ biometric information, their location and the environmental conditions in their work areas.
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