NEWS RELEASE: Ginoogaming, Aroland, AZA First Nations launch new mining corporation (April 15, 2020)

Ginoogaming First Nation launches new mining corporation called Minodahmun for $1.3 billion Greenstone Gold Mine.

LONGLAC, Ont. — Ginoogaming First Nation is proud to announce the launch of the Minodahmun Development Inc. (MDI) to maximize the economic opportunities that are forthcoming in the proposed Greenstone Gold Mines’ (GGM) Hardrock Project.

Minodahmun (min-oh-dah-mun) means “clear path” in the Anishinaabemowin language. MDI is a 100 per cent First Nations owned partnership between Ginoogaming First Nation (GFN), Aroland First Nation (AFN), and Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek First Nation (AZA). The three First Nations are equal owners of Minodahmun and will jointly manage and share in the profits of the company.

Ginoogaming appoints a seasoned professional in Jason Rasevych as the First Nation’s board of director for the Minodahmun Development Inc. It is fitting that the Ginoogaming Chief and Council are electing Jason as he has a proven track record for ‘blazing trails and clearing the pathway’ for legacy infrastructure builds and major business-related initiatives in Northern Ontario over the past decade.

Jason Rasevych is an Oji-Cree from Ginoogaming and comes from a diverse economic development and business background. With a career focus on First Nation’s economic reconciliation and partnership development, Jason is eager to join the MDI board of directors. Jason has two decades of experience in the natural resources sector working with First Nations communities, economic development corporations, industry and government.

In his current capacity as a founding member of the Anishnawbe Business Professional Association, Jason focuses on inclusion of First Nation’s businesses and peoples in the Northern Ontario economy. He has introduced numerous First Nations’ owned companies and partnerships by negotiating joint venture agreements across the mining, forestry, energy, construction and telecommunication sectors.

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