British Columbia: Hoping for more gold, 120 years after the Atlin gold rush began – by Matthew McFarlane (CBC News British Columbia – February 2, 2020)

‘There’s gold in these veins,’ says CEO of exploration company looking for the source of Atlin’s gold

Some cities are born and die as gold rush towns. Barkerville, Skagway, Dawson City all saw their fates ride on gold and now have become museums of sorts — a tribute to their former glory.

But one far flung B.C. community still has the lure of gold in its eye, long after it saw its gold rush come and go.

Atlin lies in the the very northwest corner of B.C. The only way in and out is through Yukon Territory. The community hugs the shores of its namesake, the massive glacier-fed Atlin Lake. It has a rustic ghost-town-like feel. Ramshackle buildings, quiet streets, abandoned mining equipment — it’s a peaceful and tranquil spot, a far cry from the place it was over 100 years ago.

History of Atlin

Back in 1898, Atlin was born when some people travelling through discovered gold shards in a stream. The Atlin gold rush coincided with the Klondike rush. Prospectors heading up from the Alaska port town of Skagway enroute to Dawson City were able to shorten their trip, and head to the Atlin area with the hope of striking it big.

For 20 years or so, the region boomed. Atlin became the centre of the mining activity: hotels, a courthouse, stores, restaurants and schools all were quickly built. With about 10,000 people calling the region home, Atlin was its beating heart.

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