“Equitable” partnerships with First Nations will make the Ring of Fire go smoothly – by Staff (Northern Ontario Business – January 24, 2020)


Improving community conditions should create investor-friendly mining environment, say Matawa chiefs

Chiefs from two economically-depressed communities near the Ring of Fire told Queen’s Park politicians they want to be “equitable partners” to share in the benefits of Far North development.

“Matawa First Nations are not opposed to development, however First Nations require a seat at the able,” said Webequie Chief Cornelius Wabasse in his remarks before the provincial Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, Jan. 21.

He was joined in the pre-budget hearings by Eabametoong Chief Harvey Yesno. Both spoke on behalf of the Matawa Chiefs Council. Five of the nine communities in the Matawa Tribal Council are fly-in, reached only by land during the winter road season.

All are dealing with the high cost of living, program and service delivery, and housing issues. The pair described gas prices as high as $3.06 a litre, a four-litre bag of milk going for $15.05, a business power rate at 85 cents a kilowatt hour, and an employment rate ranging between 30 and 70 per cent.

In his presentation, Wabasse tossed aside a well-worn and obsolete estimate of $60 billion, often recited by politicians and the Toronto media, on the value of the Ring of Fire’s open-ended mineral potential.

For the rest of this article: https://www.northernontariobusiness.com/regional-news/far-north-ring-of-fire/equitable-partnerships-with-first-nations-will-make-the-ring-of-fire-go-smoothly-2045950