The Teck project is in the national interest, and sorely needed, because it provides jobs, investment and opportunities in a remote, hostile region
A proposed $20.6-billion oilsands mining mega-project by Teck Corp. in northern Alberta is a litmus test as to whether Prime Minister Justin Trudeau governs on behalf of Canadians or wants to continue government-by-Greta. Greta Thunberg is a Swedish teenager and poster girl for the global environmental movement.
A decision is expected next month and the usual battle lines have been drawn. “If this project does not proceed, it would be a clear indication that there is no way forward for this country’s largest natural resource,” warned Alberta Premier Jason Kenney.
And that also means Alberta and Saskatchewan will have no way forward either. If denied the right to continue to responsibly develop their resources, they will have to “immigrate” or leave Canada. There will be little choice.
Trudeau said he has not made his decision yet, but, ominously, he suddenly announced dramatic new emissions targets which point to trouble ahead. He claims he “won” a mandate from Canadians to undertake climate change remediation, but that’s simply not true.
Polling shows that Canadians are completely schizoid about a draconian green agenda. For instance, a December poll showed that 76 per cent believe the country needs to be doing more on the issue of climate change, but that 64 per cent believe Canada should capitalize on the global need for fossil fuels.
For the rest of this column: