Like generations of his family before him, Gino Chitaroni is a jack-of-all-trades. He’s a prospector, developer, business owner, tourist camp operator, and staunch advocate for the mineral exploration industry.
The third-generation resident of Cobalt (population 1,100) comes from a proud and tough stock of miners, mechanics, contractors and equipment suppliers on both sides of his family dating back to the Silver Rush days of the early 1900s.
During the 2016-2017 cobalt-staking rush in northeastern Ontario, Chitaroni became the to-go guy for industry and media types who trekked up Highway 11 and stopped at in PolyMet Labs to talk to the colourful and outspoken president of what was happening on the ground.
Few people in the industry can put the history and activity of the Cobalt camp in the proper context. Being the brand ambassador for the Cobalt camp is a “burden I don’t mind, but it’s also been a pain, too.
“It’s sometimes not respected by certain mining companies but at the same time I get good respect from the press, that’s for sure.” With family roots in Italy and the U.S., Chitaroni comes from an entrepreneurial family, which settled in northeastern Ontario to work blue-collar jobs in the mining and supply industries.
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