Meteoric landing for Australian cobalt hunter: Junior miner does the groundwork to go drilling in the Cobalt camp – by Staff (Northern Ontario Business – May 9, 2018)

Meteoric Resources, a western Australian cobalt explorer, is gaining ground in the cobalt country of northeastern Ontario.

The Perth-headquartered outfit has been on a staking binge this spring to enlarge its holdings and fast-track its exploration efforts. In early May, Meteoric grabbed more than 33-square-kilometres of prospective ground, about 40 kilometres northwest of the Town of Cobalt.

Dubbed the Beauchamp Cobalt Project, the company said the property “has all the right rock types combined with great geological structure, and we look forward to fast-tracking exploration at the property.”

The property contains Nipissing Diabase, which is the host rock type for cobalt and silver. It was never explored for cobalt because of the lack of outcrop and a layer of overburden, between two and 10 metres thick. A few days later, Meteoric acquired a five-square-kilometre piece, nine kilometres southeast of the town.

Called the Lorrain Cobalt Project, the property is filled with “abundant visual” cobalt showings in an area that hosted numerous silver and cobalt underground mines and surface pits.

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