With almost nothing left to lose, Albertans rise up against Ottawa’s empty pipeline promises – by Claudia Cattaneo (Financial Post – April 12, 2018)


This is no Vancouver, where demonstrators are on speed dial. This is the heart of the tight-lipped oil industry, where many never showed up at a rally before

With almost no pipelines left to lose, Albertans of all backgrounds and political persuasions are uniting and rising against years of what they perceive as unfair treatment by the federal Liberal government and its eco-activist partners.

They are showing the tide is turning against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s strategy of transitioning Canada away from oil and gas – which has killed oil and gas investment, jobs, economic growth, and is now threatening the last oilpatch lifeline, the proposed Trans Mountain pipeline expansion – while he prioritizes climate change policy and carbon taxes. The next chapter is uncharted political territory.

That pent-up anger spilled over at a Calgary rally in support of the Trans Mountain pipeline Tuesday and is expected to continue at a rally in Edmonton Thursday at the Alberta legislature.

Rally 4 Resources and Canada Action organized both events in response to Kinder Morgan Canada Ltd putting the project on hold on the weekend in response to the British Columbia government’s continued opposition.

At least 1,000 oil workers, executives, unemployed, children, Indigenous leaders poured in front of the provincial government building on Tuesday to chant: “Build that pipe. Build that pipe. Build that pipe.’

For the rest of this article: http://business.financialpost.com/commodities/energy/with-almost-nothing-left-to-lose-albertans-rise-against-ottawas-empty-pipeline-promises