Angry Inuk: The anti-sealing industry has had dire impacts on Canada’s Inuit families – CBC Docs POV
Hunting seals may ignite outrage abroad, but it is one of the few issues supported by virtually every Canadian MP, regardless of region or party
It’s sealing season once again in Canada. This means that, once again, activists are out in strength to decry Canadians as baby-killers and, in some cases, ISIS. And on Tuesday, Canada’s strained relationship with India got just a bit worse when India banned the import of seal skins (although, for obvious reasons, they were never a major seal skin market).
Below, a quick guide to the one of the world’s most embattled hunts. What’s true, what’s a myth and why Canadians will never, ever stop doing this.
‘Subsistence’ exemptions for Inuit are meaningless
Whether it’s the European Union or the International Fund for Animal Welfare, seal hunting opponents usually have a common mantra: They want to shut down the “commercial” hunt while preserving “subsistence” sealing for Inuit hunters.
However, Inuit aren’t just eating seal, they also depend heavily on seal pelt sales and are hit hardest by bans and boycotts. “They’re still picturing little Eskimos in igloos with no need for money,” filmmaker Alethea Arnaquq-Baril said of seal hunting opponents in her pro-seal hunting documentary Angry Inuk.
In 1983, the European Union banned the importation of seal pup products. Although Inuit did not hunt the products mentioned — and were even included in a special exemption — the ban nevertheless prompted a worldwide collapse in demand for seal products.
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