Canadian miner could reopen centenary Idaho mine – by Valentina Ruiz Leotaud ( – March 15, 2018)

Following the settlement of a longstanding Superfund lawsuit against the owner of the Bunker Hill Mine, the project’s Canadian operator might restart works at the site.

Toronto-based Bunker Hill Mining Co. told The Spokesman-Review that it would consider reopening the mine on a limited basis by the end of the year, while large-scale production could be possible in about two years.

The Canadian miner is leasing the lead-zinc-silver property located in Kellogg, northern Idaho, and has an option to buy it from the owner, Placer Mining Co.

Before doing that, Bunker would have to raise about $100 million. However, that should not be too difficult now that the major hurdle that was stopping the company from moving forward has been cleared.

That is, the suit connected to and EPA-lead Superfund cleanup that had to be undertaken from the 1980s on to deal with pollution from Bunker Hill’s smelter stacks, which spread over the city, as well as from historic irregular tailings management.

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