McEwan gearing up for ‘aggressive exploration’ – by Staff (Timmins Daily Press – January 20, 2018)

BLACK RIVER-MATHESON – McEwan Mining Inc. is about to embark on an aggressive exploration program for its recently acquired Black Fox property, formerly Primero Mining Corp. near Matheson.

McEwan completed the purchase of the Primero property in October in a $35-million deal. In a news release issued Wednesday, McEwan Mining said the acquisition and exploration program is aimed at increasing gold production and expanding the company’s resource base.

“A $10 million property-wide exploration program that will include approximately 330,000 feet (100,000 metres) of drilling is underway. The main objectives are to test for extensions of existing resources, follow-up on significant drill results, and to investigate new exploration targets,” said the release.

The company said the Black Fox complex consists of two land packages located over 11 kilometres of the Porcupine Destor Fault. Although the property was in production from 1997 to 2001 and then again from 2009 to present, the company said the property appears “underexplored to depth and along trends,” thus the reason for expanded drilling program.

The 2018 exploration budget has been almost tripled from the previous year and will consist of approximately 200,000 feet (60,000 m) of surface drilling and 130,000 feet (40,000 m) of underground exploration and delineation drilling, said the company.

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