Northern Miner
Stephen Masson is president of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Prospectors and Developers Association (MSPDA).
The Manitoba Saskatchewan Prospectors and Developers Association (MSPDA) takes the strong view that while it agrees with Stephen Fletcher’s view that a creating a new national park on Manitoba’s Nickel Belt is an irresponsible action by the federal government (T.N.M., Nov. 16-Dec. 10/17), he should not have so quickly suggested a park in the Seal River area as an alternative.
Mr. Fletcher, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Charleswood-St James-Assiniboia and long-time federal Conservative Member of Parliament from 2004-15, is correct that establishing a park on the nickel belt only discourages further exploration in the province by its placement on an area of high mineral potential.
This is especially true given that northern Manitoba’s mining industry is in serious trouble. Vale in Thompson closed Birch Tree and in 2018 will close the smelter in Thompson. Add this to the closure in just three years of Triple 7 and Reed Lake mines operated by Hudbay Minerals.
This will have a severe impact on Flin Flon and the supporting infrastructure since these mines are currently the only source of feed for the Flin Flon mill and part of the feed for the zinc plant.
Northern Manitoba is already reeling from the closure of the Churchill port. The closure of western Canada’s only northern railroad — the Hudson Bay Railroad — may not be far off given they will have no industry north of The Pas to service.
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