Multiple disciplines, many researchers, scientists, industry players and $104 million have come together to create one of the most comprehensive studies into the metal riches of the Earth. And once it’s completed, the organization overseeing it says it will revolutionize how mining companies seek out metal deposits, and all the data will be free and public.
Harold Gibson, director of the Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC), gave a presentation on Nov. 29 to the Sudbury Geological Discussion Group of the latest findings of the Metal Earth project.
It’s an international project to help researchers, scientists and industry understand the processes of how and where metals appear in the planet’s crust and to make mineral exploration more accurate.
Part of the project included seismic testing around the Sudbury Basin earlier this year. This project, according to MERC director Ross Sherlock, will help the country be a leader in mineral exploration.
“What we are hoping to do is develop tools that will help companies be a lot more effective in area selection,” he said. “They can decide on areas where they can initiate exploration, and pursue projects in areas that have higher mineral endowment. That will reduce exploration risk and result in greater discoveries.”
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