AWARDS: Lundin Gold Recognized by UN Compact for Its Sustainable Development Best Practices (Canadian Mining Journal – November 22, 2017)

VANCOUVER – Lundin Gold is pleased to announce that it has been recognized by the United Nations Global Compact Networks of Colombia and Ecuador at the Best Practice Awards for Sustainable Development for its work undertaken jointly with the Lundin Foundation and Catering Las Peñas (“CLP”), the supplier of food preparation, cleaning and laundry services to the Company’s Fruta del Norte gold project in Ecuador.

Global Compact is a United Nations’ initiative through which companies and organizations voluntarily undertake to align their strategies with ten universal principles of corporate social responsibility.

Following the Global Compact’s evaluation process, Lundin Gold was recognized for its work with CLP, which relates to Sustainable Development Goal (“SDG”) 8, Decent Work and Economic Growth. This award will allow the Company to be evaluated in the 2018 Regional SDG Awards with companies from other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

“The alliance between CLP, the Lundin Foundation and Lundin Gold has had a significant positive economic impact in the province of Zamora Chinchipe and local communities that surround Fruta del Norte,” said Ron Hochstein, President and CEO of Lundin Gold.

“Local agricultural producers are now integrated into the catering supply chain, which has boosted the economy and has generated important sources of stable and gainful employment. We are very proud of the results achieved with CLP.”

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