Noront is reaching out to Sault Ste. Marie to formally ask the city if it is interested in hosting a ferrochrome processing plant.
“With our strategic location, transportation infrastructure, talent and other competitive advantages, we’re making the case that our community is the prime site to host this project,” said Dan Hollingsworth, executive director of Business Development for the Sault Ste. Marie Economic Development Corp.
“We look forward to working with our partners on preparing a response that exceeds Noront’s expectations.” The request formally launches the process that will see the City of Sault Ste. Marie make a case that it is the ideal location to host the plant.
Hollingsworth will serve as project lead of a team. CAO Al Horsman, deputy CAO of community development and enterprise services Tom Vair, and Nevin Buconjic, manager of trade investment and community marketing for the EDC, will make up the rest of the committee.
“It’s really a formal request package for the community,” Vair said in an interview with The Sault Star. Vair said some of the work and data needed has already been compiled by the EDC and readily available, while other factors still need to be explored.
Specific site information still needs to be gathered, but the city has reached out to Algoma and it’s lenders, and all parties are on board, Vair said.
Community support and engagement still needs to be completed, and Vair said that will occur in the coming months. “We’ve put together a strong project team and are committed to a thorough and thoughtful process,” said Mayor Christian Provenzano. “We will work hard to assess this opportunity and construct a compelling response that our community can be proud of and support.
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