Nova Scotia miners offer more than $8,000 cash to students who can prove industry ‘rocks’ – by Cecilia Jamasmie ( – October 5, 2017)

As a way of rising awareness and interest in mining awareness among junior high and high school students in Nova Scotia, Canada, a provincial industry group is offering over $8000 in cash prizes to kids with some basic video skills.

The Mining ROCKS! contest, now in its fourth year, hopes to inspire children to learn about the industry, get creative and win big, Sean Kirby, executive director of the Mining Association of Nova Scotia (MANS) said in a statement.

Now in its fourth year, the popular competition is offering $1,000 to each winner in five different categories, with $500 going to the runner-up.

Students are encouraged to use wide-ranging approaches to explain, illustrate, dramatize and emphasize the many uses of minerals and the industry’s importance to Nova Scotia. After all, mining in the Atlantic province dates back to 1672, with a few coal and gold companies recently restarting and opening mines in the area in the past two years.

“The videos can be about virtually any aspect of mining and quarrying, including its economic importance, environment and reclamation, historical facts and beneficial end-uses of mining products,” Kirby said.

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