On climate change, Trump won’t kill the planet – by Konrad Yakabuski (Globe and Mail – January 30, 2017)


“The best hope for the planet lies not in massive investments in wind
and solar power, which can never reliably supply more than a fraction
of the energy a power-hungry planet needs. … What’s needed is an embrace
of cleaner-than-coal natural gas as a transition fuel, an acceptance
that the benefits of nuclear energy outweigh its risks, and a moonshot
focus on technologies that can truly end our dependence on fossil
fuels or capture the carbon their combustion emits.”

Of all the protesters, free traders and peace-lovers depressed at the prospect of four years of tendentious tweets, protectionism and a faster-advancing Doomsday Clock, perhaps no Trump-phobics are as inconsolable as the global climate activists who thought they’d killed the Keystone XL pipeline once and for all.

Keystone’s back. And it’s not the only zombie fossil-fuel development upping the anxiety of climate catastrophists. Donald Trump vows to keep an “open mind” about the existence of man-made global warming. But as White House chief of staff Reince Priebus has explained, the new U.S. President’s “default position” is that the current climate-science consensus is “a bunch of bunk.”

The Paris Accord that Barack Obama hailed as “the best possible shot to save the one planet we’ve got” isn’t worth the sustainably sourced paper its written on now that Mr. Trump has taken over.

Ditto for Mr. Obama’s Clean Power Plan, which Mr. Trump’s choice to run the Environmental Protection Agency spent his time as Oklahoma’s attorney-general vowing to kill. The new President aims to end the “war on coal” and make Appalachia great again.

He also promises to slash regulations on U.S. oil and gas producers. Mr. Trump’s pick as secretary of state is the former CEO of the world’s biggest publicly traded oil company and U.S. foreign policy will likely be friendly to global fossil-fuel exploration and development.

For the rest of this article, click here: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/why-trump-wont-kill-the-planet/article33806125/