Thousands of NM jobs rely on Copper Mine Rule – by Jason Espinoza (Las Cruces Sun-News – December 27, 2015)

Jason Espinoza is the President of ACI, New Mexico’s statewide business advocate.

New Mexico needs jobs. We can all agree that we want New Mexicans to have good opportunities and prosperous lives. For that to be possible, the state must do everything it can to create an environment where businesses can succeed.

To do so, it’s important to have thoughtful, responsible laws that protect our environment and natural resources, while providing businesses with clear and predictable regulations within which to operate.

If we set regulatory hurdles too high, or let our regulations fall out of date, New Mexicans will miss out on jobs and opportunities as employers choose to take their business elsewhere. But if we find the right balance, we can preserve the beauty of our state while helping our people flourish.

ACI strongly supports the “Copper Mine Rule” because it finds just that responsible balance.

The Copper Mine Rule was developed by the New Mexico Environment Department following months of technical and advisory committee meetings with government officials, academics, resource experts, environmental interest groups and industry representatives.

It replaces an out-of-date, inconsistent system for protecting ground water, which was subject to various interpretations by regulators, inspectors and professionals.

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