Central Hastings News – It wasn’t just coincidence that Liberal leader Justin Trudeau suddenly came out recently and blamed Prime Minister Stephen Harper for the U.S. refusal to allow the Keystone XL pipeline to be built. According to Trudeau, all Harper had to do to sanction the pipeline was to simply become a far-left liberal ideologue like himself by approving a carbon tax, something even the Americans haven’t yet done.
Of course, Trudeau also claimed his main objective is to protect the middle class but he also insists that taxing everyone is the right thing to do.
It wasn’t too surprising to understand where Trudeau is coming from by pushing for still another environmental hit to be imposed on the taxpayers. The carbon tax initiative comes shortly after the Trudeau camp’s selection of Gerald Butts as one of his key advisors. Butts, known as Butthead by his many critics, was the Principal Secretary to Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty prior to getting a call from the Trudeau people. He also has his fingerprints all over the Green Energy fiasco and other boondoggles by the provincial Liberals.
So Butts helped to economically destroy one province and now he has his sights on bigger things like the entire country’s economy so we all can become a financial basket case just like the Obama administration.
Butts is the former CEO of the World Wildlife Federation so he obviously has his priorities written in stone when it comes to carbon tax, global warming and all the other libleft environmental objectives. Advancing the economy or looking out for the middle class taxpayers is the least of the concerns of either Trudeau or Butts. What taxpayers have to remember is that green energy has put hydro costs into orbit in this province and created a huge burden on seniors with fixed incomes.
The U.S. has its Obamacare scandal to whine about while Ontario residents have energy and gas plant scandals to denounce thanks to the so-called friends of the middle class like McGuinty and Gerald Butts. Keep that in mind the next time you go to the ballot box.
Rolly Ethier
For the original version of this column, click here: