QUEEN’S PARK – The development of the Ring of Fire was dealt a significant blow yesterday as Cliffs Natural Resources made the decision to halt operations, and announced that it would be shuttering its exploration camp in the region as well as closing offices in Thunder Bay and Toronto.
“It’s hard to believe that things have gone so far off the rails that Cliffs has pulled the plug on their development,” said Norm Miller, PC critic for Northern Development and Mines and Aboriginal Affairs.
“What is truly unfortunate is the amount of unheeded warnings that this government received throughout the process. Now, there is no timeline for development, and hardworking people woke up today without jobs today from Northern Ontario all the way to Toronto”.
In June, Cliffs suspended their environmental assessment, and had publicly stated that halting operations was a possibility.
“All the while the government continued to insist that everything was moving forward” stated Miller.
“This government has bragged about developing the Ring of Fire for years now, even suggesting a production date as early as 2015. Cliffs decision is a direct result of government mismanagement of the Ring of Fire development” concluded Miller.
For further information, contact Christine Bujold (416) 325-1330 Christine.Bujold@pc.ola.org