The Sudbury Star is the City of Greater Sudbury’s daily newspaper.
Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd. has released what it’s calling positive results on studies conducted on its Broken Hammer copper and platinum group metal project in Sudbury.
“We are very encouraged by the positive results of the pre-feasibility study,” Marz Kord, president and CEO of Wall-bridge Mining, said in a release.
“The pre-feasibility suggests that the Broken Hammer project has the potential to become economically viable and generate positive cash flow. What’s more encouraging is that the deposit remains open for expansion to the west and to depth.
“The footwall-style Broken Hammer project is in a large land package on the northern rim of the Sudbury basin within a 9 km strike length of very similar geology with extremely strong prospects.”
The Broken Hammer project, located north of Capreol, is planned to be an open pit operation used for the extraction of about 196,000 tonnes of copper, nickel and platinum group metals.
The pre-feasibility study assumes the production will commence in early to mid- 2013 and will be completed within 12 months of mining operation at an average daily rate of about 750 tonnes of ore during the 12-months of operation.
Wallbridge, which is based in Lively, is an established metals company working to build sustainable growth for investors through discovery and development of mineral resources.
The company specializes in nickel, copper, platinum, palladium and gold projects in mining friendly jurisdictions of North America, with a particular focus on Sudbury.
Wallbridge’ said its “position in Sudbury offers unique large-scale discovery upside in Canada’s premier mining district.”
For the original version of this article, please go to the Sudbury Star website: