Early bird incentive attracts So You Think You Know Mining (SYTYKM) video competition entries in advance of March 31 deadline

This article was provided by the Ontario Mining Association (OMA), an organization that was established in 1920 to represent the mining industry of the province.

The Early Bird incentive has helped to attract 13 excellent entries into the Ontario Mining Association’s third annual So You Think You Know Mining (SYTYKM) high school video competition before the March 31 deadline.  These videos from all areas of the province, which were received electronically at the OMA before midnight March 10, are eligible for all video award categories and for the draw to win the $500 Early Bird prize. 

This year’s SYTYKM competition is bigger and better than ever with $25,500 available in cash and prizes. To learn more about submitting a two to three minute video on the benefits of mining click on the SYTYKM box at the OMA website www.oma.on.ca.  Judging from some of the Early Bird entries, OMA e-news items are being used as a source for ideas and information by student film makers.

In order to help spread awareness of SYTYKM, the OMA ventured into the realm of social media and used Facebook as a venue to promote the competition from the start.  This year, the OMA is also using Twitter.  As of today, there are 168 followers on Twitter and the number is growing as the SYTYKM deadline approaches.  Many of the tweets address the philosophical question “can rising global demand for greener cutting-edge products and services be met without mining?”   Check it out @OntMiningAssoc on Twitter.

Other key SYTYKM dates are April 15, 2011, which is the deadline for the judges selection of People’s Choice Award candidates, April 25 to May 31, which is the voting period for the People’s Choice Award and May 13, which is the date for selection of the winning videos in other categories by the judges. This all leads to the SYTYKM awards gala, which is scheduled for June 1, 2011 at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.

The Best Overall video winner will receive a $5,000 prize. Winners in the Best Directing, Best Writing, Best Music, Best Comedy, Best video in a language other than English, Best Animation and People’s Choice Award will receive $2,500 prizes. All winners also are presented with much coveted Oscar-style trophies to mark their achievements.

The high school of the Best Overall winner receives $500 and all high schools which have three or more entries are eligible for a draw for $2,000, which is to be invested in video equipment. Everyone who votes in the People’s Choice competition will be eligible to win a new iPod through a lucky draw.

SYTYKM is supported by comprehensive web based resources and a blog. Contest details, technical requirements for submitting videos, production ideas and past winners and award ceremonies are available on the OMA website.

Entries for SYTYKM can be produced by individuals or teams. The choice is yours.  Submit your entry before midnight on March 31.  Let’s give the SYTYKM judging panel an opportunity to see your best video work.