Business Advocacy, Other Issues
The Government of Ontario’s Bill 191, The Far North Act, twill set aside at least 225,000 square kilometers of the far north in an interconnected network of protected areas, by means of community based land use planning. This Act states that it aims to provide for community based land use planning in the Far North that directly involves First Nations in the planning and that supports the environmental, social and economic objectives for land use planning for the people of Ontario located there.
While the OCC is strongly supportive of environmental protection, there are concerns that the Act could delay or prevent effective development of the region. The Act has the potential to paralyze future developments in Ontario’s far north, and hinder new opportunities for economic development that could lead to future growth opportunities and economic renewal for Ontario.
For more information, please contact Frank Belluardo, Policy Analyst, at or 416-482-5222 x 247.
Ontario Chamber of Commerce News Release – The Far North Act Thwarts Economic Development in Northern Ontario – September 13th, 2010
Legislative Impact
The Government of Ontario’s Far North Act, which is nearing third reading in the legislature, has the potential to paralyze future developments in Ontario’s far north, and hinder new opportunities for economic development that could lead to future growth opportunities and economic renewal for Ontario.
The Government of Ontario has announced that the Act will set aside at least 225,000 square kilometers of the far north, or 50 per of the land base, in an interconnected network of protected areas, by means of community based land use planning.
The OCC has submitted its concerns to the Ministry of Natural Resources , requesting the Act not continue to proceed through the legislative process. OCC members voted in favour of a resolution calling for the immediate withdrawal of the Far North Act, at the OCC’s Annual General Meeting in May.
For more information, please contact Frank Belluardo, Policy Analyst, at or 416-482-5222 x 247.