The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) is a CEO-led industry group that addresses key priorities and emerging issues within the minerals sector. It seeks to play a leading role by promoting good practice and improved performance internationally and across different commodities.
ICMM provides a platform for industry and other key stakeholders to share challenges and develop solutions based on sound science and the principles of sustainable development. Its vision is for a respected mining and metals industry that is widely recognized as essential for society and as a key contributor to sustainable development.
ICMM’s mission is two-fold: to distinguish its members as industry leaders and to make a contribution to raising standards across the industry as a whole.
To be an ICMM member, a company must build trust and respect with key stakeholders as a result of good performance in sustainable development, including clear and comprehensive approaches to reporting and assurance.
By doing this they will be seen by governments and communities as preferred partners in the development of resources; by customers as providers of safe and responsibly produced products; by investors as being companies of choice; by talented people as employers of choice; and by financiers as being secure, well-managed and able to achieve superior returns.
ICMM has a small team of specialist staff based in London. Their role is to:
• work with members to identify and advocate the use of good practices to address sustainable development issues within the industry
• represent the views and interests of members
• serve as a principal point of engagement with key stakeholders in the international arena.
The membership of the ICMM includes most of the world’s largest mineral producers.